
Ireland — a Global Hub with International Headquarters
19 April, 2024

Ireland is a Global hub, where top international companies locate their headquarters. The Irish entrepreneurial and business ecosystem is in a strong position. According to Professor Roy Foster, the cause for the success was a combination of ‘a new sense of initiative’ and factors such as low taxation, pro-business regulatory policies, and a young, tech-savvy […]

French Vibrant and Diverse Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
11 April, 2024

France has a vibrant and diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem characterized by a mix of traditional and innovative industries. Overwhelmed by institutions and traditional thinking in government agencies, France still shows a vibrant growth of tech startups, some of them becoming European industry leaders. France’s entrepreneurial ecosystem has become more dynamic in the last 4 years when […]

Turkey – One of the Fastest Growing ICT Sectors in the Globe
28 March, 2024

With geographical and cultural proximity to several countries, a large domestic market and dynamic economy, and enabling institutions growing both in quantity and quality, Turkey offers unique advantages for the entrepreneurs to start and scale their businesses. In the Global Innovation Index (GII), the country has the 37th rank in the world in 2022 (WIPO, […]

Bulgaria — Growing Tech and Innovation Hub in Southeast Europe
11 March, 2024

Bulgaria is a growing tech and innovation hub in Southeast Europe. As of 2023, Bulgaria is ranked 38th worldwide in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index. Country is progressively positioning itself as a digital-forward nation, emphasizing the integration of advanced technologies into its entrepreneurial landscape. Bulgaria offers a range of amenities specifically designed to nurture budding […]

Uprising Greek Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
29 February, 2024

Greece is a growing hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, with skilled professionals, government support, and direct investments in several sectors. The entrepreneurial ecosystem in Greece is an evolving landscape marked by increasing dynamism, collaboration, and innovation. From healthcare and technology to energy and tourism, the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem exhibits a unique blend of traditional expertise […]