Project achievements
7 July, 2023

ExcellEnt: Project Go-Live Announcement

We are pleased to announce the launch of ExcellEnt, a project funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union, with the mission to strengthen entrepreneurial practices and build bridges across EU entrepreneurial ecosystems over the next 30 months.

The project focus is: Excellency in Entrepreneurship: Exploring the novel ways to capture, preserve, curate, organise and communicate sets of unstructured entrepreneurial experiences, stories, narratives.

The ExcellEnt consortium is composed of seven partners, one from a country with a strong innovation capacity (Creative Cluster in France) and four Southern and Eastern Europe ‘moderate innovator’ countries (Coordinator Institute of Enterpreneurship Development in Greece, Sabanci University in Turkey, Gate, as a structure of Sofia University st. Kliment Ohridski in Bulgaria and TechUkraine in Ukraine). The consortium is complimented by two innovation enablers namely International Development Ireland with an extensive record in technology transfer and scale-up. And Booster Labs in France — the innovation management, start-up and talent scouting.


Project objectives:

  • Reveal the patterns of entrepreneurial success, while considering the diversity of the EU ecosystem and explore sets of unstructured entrepreneurial experiences, stories and narratives
  • Aggregate the most suitable resources to help build a bridge from the academic education environment towards the real entrepreneurial world
  • Connect the EU entrepreneurial ecosystems and activate cooperation between entrepreneurs from different ecosystems, educational institutions and start-ups support organizations


Project Participants Overview:

  • iED — Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Larissa, Greece
  • GATE — The Big Data for Smart Society Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • BOOSTER LABS — Growth hacking Lab for DeepTech startups, Paris, France
  • Creative Cluster — Startup Incubator and Accelerator, Paris, France
  • IDI — The International Development Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
  • Sabanci University — Leading Research University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • TechUkraine — Ukrainian Tech NGO, Kyiv, Ukraine


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